Thorough and Unkempt
Everyday People
Medha Nainegli | Everyday People 109

Medha Nainegli | Everyday People 109

A yoga teacher talks about reading scripture and teaching

Talk to me here, I actually made highlights for this episode: @thoroughandunkempt on Instagram

Medha is a yoga teacher, a teacher of scriptures, and quite the teacher in general.

We recorded this podcast on July 11 this year. This is my favourite kind of episode - where it is literally our first conversation. I try and have more guests whom I have never spoken to, and I give them minimum details until we actually start recording.

Medha came by recommendation of Gargi Chakraborty. I know Gargi because she’s my therapist, and I interviewed her too in Episode 104. Listen to it below!

Thorough and Unkempt
Gargi Chakraborty | Everyday People 104
Listen now (36 min) | Instagram: Practo: Gargi Chakraborty is a clinical psychologist in Bangalore, as well as a singer and traveler. She is also one of my two doctors at Phoenix Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. We talked in April 2022 about the state of mental heal…
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