Thorough and Unkempt
Everyday People
Luvena Rangel | Everyday People 117

Luvena Rangel | Everyday People 117

A yoga teacher-trainer talks about motherhood and communication

Welcome to Everyday People, a show featuring the admirable people all around us. Here are your timestamps:

  • 00:00 What’s new with you, TxU?

  • 09:00 Everyday People w. Luvena Rangel

  • 01:12:16 Letters to Myself

Everyday People — Luvena Rangel

Luvena Rangel is a yoga teacher-trainer and runs The Curvy Yogi. She’s also a single mother of three. We had a fantastic conversation about the appeal of teaching, being extroverts and communicators, and financial literacy.

Highlights from this conversation will be posted on

Luvena’s Recs:






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Letters to Myself

Hello Vaibhav,

Another new year has started, and I am coming into it with a clean bill of health. I feel excited.

But my excitement is muted, and I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s just caution. As I enter undisputed adulthood AKA my thirties, I find that all excitement is tempered with caution.

I’ve learned this from the people around me, from people on the internet. It feels like it’s taboo to express unfettered enthusiasm because things go wrong so quickly. There’s always a reason to feel bad, or gloomy, or cautious.

But for now at least, I have goals again to distract me. I’ve made my New Year Resolutions, I’ve made my quarter plan. I wake up joyous, though sore as shit. I’m willing to try erasing this taboo of enthusiasm, and instead of caution, approach it with grace.

There’s always a reason to feel bad, but by practicing grace, I am ready to feel genuinely excited again.

2022 was good to me, and I’m looking forward to reading through my journals and my previous letters, and summarize what I learned. And I’m looking forward even more to new things, new experiences, and new people.

Looking forward to new,

Thorough and Unkempt
Everyday People
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